Our Story

We believe that every business must continually evolve to stay relevant. Our journey began during COVID when every business was forced to ask itself, how do we survive.

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COVID taught us to Re-Think and Adapt

During the COVID lockdowns in Australia, we learned that every business, without exception, needed to Re-Think and Adapt.

The COVID lockdowns taught us that no business is immune to disruption and reinforced the need for companies to stay flexible and innovate even in more stable times.

The idea for Adapt_CO started during the first COVID lockdown in Adelaide, South Australia. Our principal, Brenton Gowland, initiated a series of online interviews exploring how businesses were adapting to a world where face-to-face interaction was no longer possible. These interviews, called the Adapt Series, provided insights into how companies were rethinking their strategies to stay relevant and thrive in unprecedented circumstances.

Here is an example of an Adapt Series interview:

We emerged from the Adapt Series

After the first lockdown ended, Brenton continued the Adapt Series as face to face business lunches for CEOs. The guests discussed three topics during these lunches:

  1. How COVID affected their businesses?
  2. What did they do to adapt?
  3. What were their COVID Keepers?

Covid Keepers were the adaptions that businesses retained after the lockdown.

Brenton discovered that while many businesses knew they needed to change, they often struggled with how to make it happen.

Adapt_CO emerged from these discussions, providing businesses with the support needed to navigate change.

We help companies Re-Think their strategies and operations, guiding them through the process of adapting to new challenges. By focusing on practical, market-informed solutions, we help businesses restructure and implement strategies that align with their clients’ evolving needs.

Re-Think How You Do Business

Re-Think is our email publication. We bring you insights, tools, case studies and useful connections to inspire you to Re-Think and Adapt.